Bed Bug Steamers

Laura White
13 min readJun 10, 2024

Are you tired of constantly battling bed bugs in your home? Worry no more, as we have compiled a list of top-rated bed bug steamers that promise to eradicate these pesky creatures with ease. Get ready to say goodbye to those itchy bites and rest easier at night with our roundup of the best steamers on the market.

The Top 6 Best Bed Bug Steamers

  1. Dupray Neat Commercial-Grade Steam Cleaner for Floors, Cars, and Home — Experience unrivaled deep cleaning and sanitization with the Dupray NEAT Steam Cleaner — the ultimate multipurpose, heavy-duty steamer for floors, cars, and more!
  2. McCulloch MC1385 Deluxe Canister Steam Cleaner System: Powerful, Comfortable, and Effective — The McCulloch MC1385 Deluxe Canister Steam Cleaner System provides a powerful, versatile solution for deep cleaning and sanitizing a wide range of surfaces, with U.S. voltage requirements, superior durability, and easy maneuverability.
  3. Ewbank Steam Dynamo: Versatile, Easy-to-Use Steamer for Hard Surfaces and Floors — Ewbank SC1000 Steam Dynamo: A powerful, versatile bed bug steamer with on-demand steam, multiple attachments, and 200°F steam for hassle-free, chemical-free cleaning.
  4. McCulloch Heavy Duty Steamer: Efficient & Easy 1500W Car Cleaning Machine — Clean your world quickly with the versatile, easy-to-use McCulloch MC1275 Heavy Duty Steam Cleaner, featuring a 1500-watt steam power for 45 minutes of continuous steaming, and a 10' steam hose for easy maneuvering.
  5. Mcculloch Steam Cleaner — Versatile Steamer Mop for Floors and Tiles — Transform your home’s cleaning experience with the versatile, chemical-free Homeright SteamMachine Elite, equipped with 20 attachments for various surfaces and delivering powerful steam at 212F and 55 psi.
  6. Fast, Efficient Bed Bug Steamer with 11 Accessories — The McCulloch MC1230 Handheld Steam Cleaner boasts a 3-minute heat-up time, 10 minutes of continuous steam, and a lockable steam trigger for added power and versatility, making it the perfect choice for deep cleaning without harsh chemicals!

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Dupray Neat Commercial-Grade Steam Cleaner for Floors, Cars, and Home


The Dupray Neat Steam Cleaner is a multipurpose, heavy-duty steamer designed for home, car, and various surfaces cleaning. With a powerful steam output of up to 275°F/135°C, it can easily tackle dirt, grease, stains, and the 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, and other undesirables. Equipped with a large capacity tank, it provides up to 50 minutes of cleaning time, ensuring deep cleaning without the need for frequent refills. Its versatility extends to various surfaces, including marbles, tiles, and upholstery, and can be used with regular towels or cloths, eliminating the need for special pads.

Users have praised the steam cleaner’s performance, stating that it’s like having a pressure washer indoors. However, some have pointed out that its square shape and lack of detachable hose make storage inconvenient. Additionally, the unit does not have a HEPA filter, and its noise level and single reservoir tank may be a drawback for some users.

Overall, the Dupray Neat Steam Cleaner offers a powerful and efficient cleaning solution suited for home and car use, but its design and storage limitations might affect its suitability for all users.

McCulloch MC1385 Deluxe Canister Steam Cleaner System: Powerful, Comfortable, and Effective


The McCulloch Deluxe Canister Steam System transformed my daily life. In the past, I had to hire a professional steam cleaning service that cost a fortune just to get rid of bacteria and germs. But with this powerful machine, I can now clean my floors, shower, and even my car with minimal effort.

The 18-foot power cord and 10-foot steam hose gave me the flexibility to reach those hard-to-reach places without any hassle. The large 64-ounce water tank made cleaning a breeze, and the variable steam settings allowed me to customize the steam output for different cleaning tasks. Furthermore, the versatile 23 accessories made this steam cleaner a must-have for my home.

Although the instructions could have been more detailed, I watched some YouTube videos and figured it out easily. The only downside was the inconsistent quality of some parts, but the company was quick to send replacements. Overall, I highly recommend this McCulloch Deluxe Canister Steam System to anyone looking for a cost-effective and efficient way to keep their home clean and germ-free.

Ewbank Steam Dynamo: Versatile, Easy-to-Use Steamer for Hard Surfaces and Floors


As someone who struggled with back issues, I found the Ewbank SC1000 Steam Dynamo to be a real game changer in the home cleaning department. While the cord could’ve been a bit longer and the plastic toggle on the steam on demand button seemed a tad flimsy, the powerful boiler and big tank capacity proved to be really convenient.

The steam on demand was indeed a handy feature, allowing me to handle different cleaning tasks with ease. I especially liked the fact that it didn’t require any harsh chemicals for cleaning, which I found a bonus for someone like me who tends to be sensitive to such substances. The variety of attachments provided made it versatile for use on different surfaces, right from kitchen floors, bathrooms, and windows to baseboards and hard-to-reach corners.

I used it for my kitchen floor, bathroom tile, and even my carpets, and it did a decent job, albeit not perfect. The unit was lightweight making it easy to move around and the steam pressure was impressive.

While it did take some time to build steam after a while, I found that the trade-off was worth it for the cleaning results I received. Overall, the Ewbank SC1000 Steam Dynamo was a powerful and versatile cleaning tool that had a positive impact on my daily cleaning routine.

McCulloch Heavy Duty Steamer: Efficient & Easy 1500W Car Cleaning Machine


I recently tried the McCulloch MC1275 Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner and was impressed by its versatility and easy-to-use features. The 1500-watt steam power allowed me to clean various surfaces with ease, including my car’s exterior and interior. The 45 minutes of continuous steam time was sufficient for my cleaning needs. The 10-foot steam hose ensured that I had enough reach to clean hard-to-reach areas without having to constantly change the position of the cleaner.

One of the highlights of the McCulloch MC1275 was its large capacity of 48 ounces, which meant I could clean for a longer time without having to refill the water tank frequently. The 8-minute heating time was a bit on the longer side, but I appreciated the fact that it heated quickly once the cleaning process began.

The cleaner came with various attachments and tools, such as a wand, jet nozzle, round brush, squeegee tool, triangular brush, and several brushes that made it easy to take on different cleaning jobs. The cleaner was lightweight, making it easy to maneuver as I cleaned.

However, there were a few downsides to the McCulloch MC1275. The noise level was somewhat higher than expected, making it less suitable for tasks that required a quiet environment. Additionally, the visual appeal of the cleaner was not as impressive as some other models I’ve encountered.

Overall, the McCulloch MC1275 Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner is a powerful and versatile option for those looking for an effective way to clean various surfaces, especially for car detailing. While it has a few drawbacks, its pros far outweigh the cons, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone who values ease of use, power, and a wide range of cleaning capabilities.

Mcculloch Steam Cleaner — Versatile Steamer Mop for Floors and Tiles


The Wagner 925e Elite Steamer steam cleaner is a versatile and powerful cleaning tool that uses chemical-free, pressurized high-temperature steam to deep clean surfaces and remove stubborn dirt, grime, grease, and stains. With its wide range of attachments, this portable steamer mop can handle various household cleaning tasks efficiently. It features a round shape with a compact design, making it easy to store and carry around.

The steamer comes with 20 included attachments, including a triangular steam mop and cleaning pad, window/tile squeegee, fabric adapter, microfiber bonnet, microfiber towel, triangular carpet glide, triangular poly/cotton pad, triangular microfiber pad, triangular mop head, jet nozzle, two extension poles, two brass utility brushes, four nylon utility brushes, a funnel, and a measuring cup. Its high-temperature steam reaches up to 212F with a 55 psi pressure, effectively breaking down dirt and grime while loosening tough stains.

The Wagner 925e Elite Steamer is perfect for cleaning floors, tiles, concrete, linoleum, vinyl, marble, sealed hardwood, and granite surfaces. The carpet glider accessory is ideal for freshening carpets, removing dust mites, and leaving you with a clean, fresh living space. The steamer is easy to use, with a quick 8-minute warm-up time and a 12.5 amp motor that ensures optimal performance and heat.

Despite its high-quality cleaning capabilities, some users have reported issues with the handle causing blisters and a short-lived steam duration. However, these concerns are outweighed by the overall satisfaction of its customers, with most praising its effectiveness and ease of use. The Wagner 925e Elite Steamer is a valuable addition to any home, offering a chemical-free and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional cleaning methods.

Fast, Efficient Bed Bug Steamer with 11 Accessories


As someone who has been using a McCulloch handheld steam cleaner, I have found it to be quite a powerful and versatile tool. The 3-minute heat-up time and 10 minutes of continuous steam are definitely a game-changer, making it efficient for quick cleaning tasks. I also appreciate the lockable steam trigger, allowing me to control the steam flow and duration without constantly holding the trigger. However, I did notice that the steam cleaner’s tank could benefit from a larger capacity and a more seamless, on-demand steam experience.

In my experience, the steam cleaner has been great for naturally deep cleaning and sanitizing surfaces without the need for harsh chemicals. Its 6 oz. water tank has provided me with ample steam to tackle various tasks, and the 15-foot power cord has made it easy to move around the house. While the product does come with 11 versatile accessories, I’d appreciate a more organized storage solution for these attachments.

Overall, the McCulloch handheld steam cleaner has been a reliable and effective tool in maintaining my home. Just be mindful of its limitations and consider your specific cleaning needs before making your purchase.

Buyer’s Guide

Bed bugs have become a common problem in homes, especially when it comes to infestation. While there are various methods to tackle these insects, one of the most effective and eco-friendly options is using a bed bug steamer. These devices are designed to help you get rid of bed bugs quickly and efficiently, without causing damage to your furniture or household items. In this buyer’s guide, we will explore the important features, considerations, and general advice when it comes to purchasing a bed bug steamer.

Types of Bed Bug Steamers

There are several types of bed bug steamers available in the market. Some of the most popular ones are handheld steamers, backpack steamers, and commercial-grade steamers. Handheld steamers are more convenient for small spaces and easy to carry, while backpack and commercial-grade steamers offer more power and versatility for large-scale treatments.

Important Features to Consider

When choosing a bed bug steamer, there are several important features to consider. These include the steam production capacity, the steam pressure, the steam temperature, the tank capacity, the hose length, and the extra attachments. Steam production capacity refers to how much steam the steamer can produce, and it varies depending on the type of steamer you choose. Steam pressure and temperature are crucial for bed bugs, so look for a model that offers a consistent high-temperature steam output. The tank capacity, hose length, and extra attachments are essential for ease of use and convenience in treating infested areas.

Tips for Using a Bed Bug Steamer

To get the best results from a bed bug steamer, follow these tips: Start by vacuuming the area before using the steamer. This helps in removing loose bed bugs and their eggs. Use long, steady strokes while steaming the infested areas to ensure that steam reaches all the corners and crevices. Wait for 20–30 minutes after steaming before vacuuming the area again. Also, consider using natural insecticides at the same time as using a steamer for an added layer of protection.

Bed bug steamers are a popular and effective solution for getting rid of bed bugs in your home. Whether you choose a handheld steamer for small spaces or a commercial-grade steamer for larger infestations, make sure to consider important features such as steam production capacity, steam pressure, and temperature, tank capacity, hose length, and extra attachments. Following proper usage tips will help ensure the steamer effectively eliminates bed bugs from your home.


What is a bed bug steamer?

A bed bug steamer is a portable, handheld device that uses high-pressure steam to kill bed bugs and their eggs. The device is designed to reach tight spaces where conventional pest control methods may not be effective. Bed bug steamers are a popular choice for those looking for an eco-friendly and non-toxic solution to bed bug infestations.

Bed bug steamers are also effective against other pests such as dust mites, roaches, and ants. They are easy to use and require minimal maintenance, making them an excellent choice for both residential and commercial settings. However, it is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure proper use and prevent potential damage to surfaces.

How does a bed bug steamer work?

A bed bug steamer works by emitting a continuous stream of high-pressure steam that penetrates and kills bed bugs and their eggs. The steam is usually around 200–300°F, which is effective in dehydrating the insects, killing them on contact, and destroying their eggs. The steam also sanitizes surfaces by breaking down the proteins and enzymes that make up organic matter such as bed bug droppings, preventing further infestation.

Most bed bug steamers come with multiple nozzles, allowing users to adjust the steam output for different surfaces and applications. It is essential to keep the nozzle at a safe distance from the surface to prevent damage and ensure effective coverage. After steaming, it is also crucial to let the surface air dry to prevent any residual moisture from being trapped, which can lead to mold or mildew growth.

What are the benefits of using a bed bug steamer?

Using a bed bug steamer offers several advantages over traditional pest control methods. Firstly, it is an eco-friendly and non-toxic solution, eliminating the need for chemical treatments that may pose health risks to humans and pets. Secondly, it is a cost-effective solution compared to hiring professional exterminators or buying insecticides. Lastly, it is a fast and efficient method that can effectively eliminate bed bug infestations in a single treatment without the need for multiple applications.

Bed bug steamers are also versatile and can be used for various purposes, such as sanitizing carpets, mattresses, and furniture. They are lightweight and portable, allowing users to easily move from room to room and take the device with them when traveling. Overall, a bed bug steamer is a convenient, effective, and environmentally friendly option for bed bug control.

What should I look for when purchasing a bed bug steamer?

When purchasing a bed bug steamer, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, consider the size of the infested area and the surfaces you need to treat. Choose a device with a steam output that matches the size of your space to ensure effective coverage. Also, check for the device’s warranty and customer support, which can help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise during use.

Additionally, consider the device’s safety features such as a locking mechanism to prevent accidental release of steam and a safety nozzle to prevent burns. The device should also have different nozzle attachments for various applications such as upholstery, crevices, and hard surfaces. Lastly, check the device’s reviews and ratings to ensure you are purchasing a high-quality and reliable product.

How do I prepare the area before using a bed bug steamer?

Before using a bed bug steamer, it is crucial to prepare the area to ensure maximum effectiveness. Firstly, remove all the items from the room, such as furniture, belongings, and linens. This will allow for easy access to the infested areas and prevent any damage to surfaces from steam exposure. Proper ventilation is also essential to prevent the buildup of moisture and to allow the steam to dissipate effectively.

Next, vacuum the area thoroughly to remove any debris and organic matter that may attract bed bugs. This is particularly important if you plan to use the steamer to sanitize the surfaces. Cover any electrical outlets and light fixtures with plastic bags to prevent water from seeping in. Lastly, open doors and windows or turn on exhaust fans to ensure proper ventilation.

Can a bed bug steamer be used on different surfaces?

Yes, a bed bug steamer can be used on different surfaces such as carpets, mattresses, furniture, and hard surfaces. Most bed bug steamers come with multiple nozzle attachments that allow users to adjust the steam output for different surfaces and applications. For example, the crevice nozzle is useful for reaching tight spaces, and the upholstery nozzle is ideal for treating fabrics without causing damage.

It is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and keep the nozzle at a safe distance from the surface to prevent damage. Some surfaces such as wood, laminate, and tile may be sensitive to steam, so it is crucial to use caution when steaming them. Additionally, certain materials such as silicone, rubber, and plastic may be damaged by steam, so it is essential to avoid exposing them to direct steam.

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